Uniform Shop
Parents and carers are expected to provide students with the correct school uniform as approved by the School Board and to ensure that students are always sent to School in their uniform.
Details of the correct uniform are provided in the Unform Policy.
Tyndale has chosen Alinta Apparel as their preferred uniform supplier. Alinta operates the school’s onsite uniform shop, which is located at the end of the pathway running from the corner of the Student Waiting Area. Please contact Alinta directly, visit their website for the latest prices, or make a booking for a uniform fitting.
Uniform fitting bookings can be made through the Alinta Website:
First time visitors will need to go to the Online Shopping tab to Register for access to the Tyndale Christian School booking section.
Uniforms can be purchased online anytime and arrangements can be made for collection during Uniform Shop opening hours or through the School Office.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours (During School Terms)
- Monday 8am – 11am
- Wednesday 1pm – 4pm
- Friday 1pm – 4pm
- The Uniform Shop opens by arrangement during vacation periods.
Alinta Contact Details
P: (02) 8811 7819
E: tyndale@alinta.com.au
W: www.alintaapparel.com.au
The Tyndale Uniform Shop Manager is Madhu.