

All curriculum at Tyndale is presented from an underlying assumption that our world is in fact, God’s world.

God is a God of love, truth, grace, mercy and justice. He is sovereign over all things and has given man dominion over the created order to act responsibly and under his authority, to rule over it with love, truth, grace, mercy and justice. In Primary School, we aim to respond to these truths by Growing Individuals for Thanksgiving and Service (GIFTS). In GIFTS, we integrate HSIE, Science & Technology and PD/H wherever possible, although some units of work in these areas will stand alone.

We understand the need to see the children in our classes not just as a group but also as unique individuals on their own learning journey. Differentiation is concerned with allowing the learning experiences of the classroom to be accessible for all participants, enabling and encouraging learning.

In all subject areas, students are supported through our differentiated classroom curriculum as well as through our Support and Enrichment programs.